14 research outputs found

    Digitale Lehre in der Kunstgeschichte. Eine Handreichung

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    Der Arbeitskreis Digitale Kunstgeschichte will mit dieser Handreichung die Lehrenden in der Kunstgeschichte bei der Realisierung ihrer Veranstaltungen unterstützen und den Erfahrungsaustausch untereinander fördern. Die Handreichung führt kurz in die zentralen Fragen für eine erfolgreiche digital gestützte Lehre ein. Im Sinne einer kompetenzorientierten Lehre werden die spezifischen Besonderheiten der kunsthistorischen Lehre thematisiert und anschließend konkrete Hilfestellungen gegeben. Hier stehen vor allem die technische Infrastruktur, die didaktischen Formate und die kunsthistorischen Quellen und die Literatur im Internet im Vordergrund


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    Querying Museum Data on the Web (2): Semantic Web and API queries

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    What is the Semantic Web? How can the possibilities of the semantic web be used? What is an application programming interface (API)? How can API-queries be used? This video is part of the series Querying Museum Data. It was created by PD Dr. Angela Dreßen (Andrew W. Mellon Librarian) as a cooperation of the I TATTI Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, the Technische Universität Dresden and the Project Digital4Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. For further information visit the Digital4Humanities-website: https://www.gw.uni-jena.de/fakultaet/juniorprofessur-fuer-digital-humanities-bild-objekt/forschung/Digital4Humanitie

    Open Access und Open Data – Wo stehen wir?

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    Obschon Open Access längst im Bewusstsein und der Realität von Bibliotheken und Forschern Platz gefunden hat, sind die Akzeptanz und die Umsetzung Themen, die wiederholter Revision bedürfen. In diesem Beitrag werden deutsche Open Access Initiativen vor dem internationalen Hintergrund beleuchtet, damit Lösungen gefunden werden können, die dem einzelnen Forscher, den Bibliotheken und der Bildungs- und Wissenschaftspolitik dienlich sind.Open Access has reached awareness and realities among scientists and in libraries, however the discrepancy regarding the acceptance and realization needs repeated revisions. In this article some German open access initiatives are presented within the reach of international goals. Hopefully this comparison will help to find feasible solutions for educational and scientific information policy


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    Querying Museum Data on the Web (1.1): Introduction and the usage of GitHub

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    Why querying museum data? How can common querying formats (XML, JSON, CSV, TSV) be described? What is GitHub? How can datasets be stored, shared and retrieved on GitHub? This video is part of the series Querying Museum Data. It was created by PD Dr. Angela Dreßen (Andrew W. Mellon Librarian) as a cooperation of the I TATTI Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, the Technische Universität Dresden and the Project Digital4Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. For further information visit the Digital4Humanities-website: https://www.gw.uni-jena.de/fakultaet/juniorprofessur-fuer-digital-humanities-bild-objekt/forschung/Digital4Humanitie

    Querying Museum Data on the Web (1.2): Cleaning data with OpenRefine and visualization with Palladio

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    How can datasets be cleaned with OpenRefine? How can datasets be visualized with Palladio? This video is part of the series Querying Museum Data. It was created by PD Dr. Angela Dreßen (Andrew W. Mellon Librarian) as a cooperation of the I TATTI Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, the Technische Universität Dresden and the Project Digital4Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. For further information visit the Digital4Humanities-website: https://www.gw.uni-jena.de/fakultaet/juniorprofessur-fuer-digital-humanities-bild-objekt/forschung/Digital4Humanitie

    Querying Art History Data on the Web (4): Practical example: Developing research questions with API query and Jupyter Notebook

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    What is the link between API queries and the museum`s data base? How can you develop a research question out of this and carry out research including data querying, processing and result generation with the help of Jupyter Notebook? This video is part of the series Querying Museum Data/ Art History Data on the Web. It was created by Elodie Sacher (University Jena) and PD Dr. Angela Dreßen (Andrew W. Mellon Librarian) as a cooperation of the I TATTI Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, the Technische Universität Dresden and the Project Digital4Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. For further information visit the Digital4Humanities-website: https://www.gw.uni-jena.de/fakultaet/juniorprofessur-fuer-digital-humanities-bild-objekt/forschung/Digital4Humanitie

    Querying Art History Data on the Web (5): Modelling Data with OpenRefine

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    What is OpenRefine? Why should you use it and what are requirements and examples for this? This video is part of the series Querying Museum Data/ Art History Data on the Web. It was created by PD Dr. Angela Dreßen (Andrew W. Mellon Librarian) and Elodie Sacher as a cooperation of the I TATTI Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, the Technische Universität Dresden and the Project Digital4Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. For further information visit the Digital4Humanities-website: https://www.gw.uni-jena.de/fakultaet/juniorprofessur-fuer-digital-humanities-bild-objekt/forschung/Digital4Humanitie